Our next hit of Wild Woolies was bigger than a ball of yarn. In fact, it was over 80 balls of yarn that created these giant knit sculptures that were "installed" around our fair city in the wee hours of Sunday morning. Our own "Ode to Knitta Please," the giant knit objects included a 10-foot-long Christmas stocking, an over 20-foot-long knitted wall, and two city park pillar cozies, all stitched from skeins of
Blue Sky Bulky on needles the size of soup cans.
Whether it's one ball of yarn released into the wild or a whole case of them knit into something fanciful, the idea behind all of our Wild Woolies is simple. We want to spread the word about the new spirit of knitting...it's a movement, it's art, it's self-expression, it's WILD!